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Home Insurance

Home Insurance

May 18, 2023

5 Common Homeowners Mistakes

Both new homeowners and veteran homeowners can fall into common pitfalls when it comes to homeowners insurance. Homeowners insurance isn’t always straightforward, and mistakes are often made when it comes to coverage and compensation. Make sure you don’t fall into these common mistakes with your home insurance policy.  Overestimating How Much Home Insurance You Have  […]
November 1, 2022

3 Tips to Save on Homeowners Insurance

Over two-thirds of American homes are underinsured. Why? Many people think that reducing coverage is the best way to cut back on insurance spending. But that could get you into big trouble if an incident occurs that is no longer covered under your policy. Rather, keep your valuable coverage and use these three tips to […]
August 12, 2022

How to Save on Home Insurance

Home insurance is required if you have a mortgage on your home, but that does not mean you can’t find ways to save money on your homeowners insurance policy. Here are several ways you can pay a lower price for great coverage.   Ask. You never really know until you ask, right? Talk with your independent […]
May 13, 2022

What is Covered Under a Typical Home Insurance Policy?

Mortgage companies require most people buying a home to purchase home insurance, and for good reason. Your home is likely to be your biggest investment, and it should have adequate coverage in the event of fire, theft, natural disasters or some other emergency.  When shopping for home insurance, keep in mind that there are differing […]
February 22, 2022

5 Tips to Reduce the Risk of Fires

Making your home safer should always be your goal, but it’s not always easy to see the potential risks that could have you calling your insurance agent. Fire risks can be hard to spot, but they can cause thousands of dollars’ worth of damage in homes. Use these tips as a starting point for reducing […]
November 22, 2021

Does Home Insurance Cover the Cost of a Hot Water Heater Replacement?

If you own a home and it suffers damage, you may assume your home insurance will step in and help cover those losses. In some cases, it will. In others, though, it will not.   Perhaps your hot water heater bursts. It happened out of nowhere and flooded your basement. You have damage to your home’s […]
October 22, 2021

Home Insurance Protects More Than Your Property

For many, home insurance is mostly about protecting the home and personal belongings from damage or loss. The liability part of home insurance isn’t always given as much careful consideration. This could be in part because people feel that most guests don’t sue their hosts. However, there are many not so far-out-there scenarios that can […]
May 24, 2021

How A Home Security System Can Lower Your Insurance Rates

Home insurance companies want to know that you’re taking care of your home. For this reason, they’ll often offer incentives (namely lower premiums) for actions you take to secure and maintain your property. Let’s consider how taking the action of buying a home security system may lower your rates.  What is a Home Security System?  […]
February 26, 2021

Insuring Valuables

Whether it’s a diamond ring or a silverware set, you should insure the things you value most. Find out more about affordable insurance options! Top Ways to Save on Your Homeowners Insurance Premium Consider raising your deductible. Invest in a home security system. Update exterior locks to dead bolts. Install smoke alarms. Select an automatic […]
November 17, 2020

Why Do Home Insurance Rates Change?

When you purchase a home insurance policy, one of the key factors in your decision is the price. Home insurance can be expensive, so you compare quotes and choose the best option for your coverage needs as well as your budget. However, home insurance rates tend to vary even while they are active. You may […]

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